Sunday, October 24, 2010

Green Tea...


How happy do these make me?? Super happy! I've had packs of green tea powder for so long, and an idea came into my head to use it to make cupcakes! I wasn't sure how they would turn out, but to my surprise, they came out delicious and lovely! For the icing, I simply added the green tea powder to vanilla icing, which turned it into that colour!

My mom saw these and said "ew" to their appearance, but once she tried them, she loved them!

I'm definitely on a cupcake obsession at the moment. And it's funny because once I've completed a batch, I don't even want them to be eaten! I just want to look at how cute they are! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm i love green tea (: may have to try this out
    Eloise xoxo
