Monday, October 25, 2010

Diet & Exercise - It's TIME!

Ok so here's the deal! Not only do I have to get back into shape, but I also have a vacation I want to look good and feel good in March, 2011! I know that seems like a long time away, but really… it's going to come faster than I'd like!

I've been a member at my gym for about 3 years… I think (maybe longer). There have been great times during these years where I was in full work-out mode! There have also obviously been down times. Everyone experiences down times. You fall off the bandwagon and lose your motivation. For me, it's not exactly the winter that effects me. Yes, I admit it's harder to drag yourself to the gym in the evening when it's already pitch black at 6PM. But my problem was simply being LAZY. I like to blame my job as well... and a tragic event I had to battle. Basically last year, spring & summer 2009 to be exact, I was in a health kick! I worked out so much and ate so healthy! End of August 2009, everything came tumbling down. August 23, 2009, my dad passed away. It was sudden, and it was a tragic accident. This blog post is not supposed to be about that, but it's obviously one reason why my world crashed and burned. I lost everything I had inside of me. It's been a year, and it's still a fresh, bleeding wound. But something inside of me is making me TRY. It would be so easy to give up and hide from the world. Right? Obviously, it's pretty freakin' hard going to sleep and waking up knowing he's not here anymore, and it's still a shock to me. But I keep telling myself to not give up. So I would say between August until now, I've just not been all here. I have not been myself. I have been sad, and in a depression. I wake up, go to work, go home, sleep. There are weeks where I get excited and get into the gym! My mom also goes to the gym, so she would be a great motivator! She would force me! So it's not that I've been completely OFF the gym thing. But between August until now, I would say I was giving my body and health only 50% out of 100%. I'd go to the gym one week, and the next I'd fall off the streak and not go for a couple weeks.

OK I am going off on tangents like I always do.

Basically, it's time I get back into it, for 100% this time! When I work out, I feel better. That's a given. I will snap out of this depression, feel happier, and get less HEADACHES!!! I get headaches E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y!!!

I'm using my trip as a motivator. Myself as a motivator. My health as a motivator. My self-image as a motivator.

My mom is still a member at the gym, so we help each other get there! Now my good friend Danielle is also joining my gym!! How excited am I? I am going on the vacation with her, so her goal is to get in shape for March as well. This is going to be great motivation… we're going to help each other.

Another thing I'm excited about, which I don't want to get into details yet about… but right before Christmas, I'm going to be going through a change… a big change… a happy and positive change. I'm going to be ending one chapter (what freakin' chapter am I on right now anyway??? I lost my bookmark!) And beginning a new one!! I'm very proud of myself and very content! So the reason why this change has to do with my diet & workout is because it will be giving me MORE time and MORE access to the gym and to eating healthy.

I will admit, since last year, I've gained maybe 10 pounds. My goal is to lose 15 pounds and tone up by March, 2011.

Next blog post, I will be weighing myself, taking my measurements, and documenting my journey! I will be writing my daily diet, my workouts, and my progress!

I encourage everyone and anyone who is interested in following me on this journey! Anyone who needs that push, that motivation to just get out and make a change for YOURSELF. Not for anyone but YOU. You have nothing to prove to anyone in this world, but yourself. The satisfaction you gain from achieving a goal you've made is so blissful and empowering! And if you need that motivator, hopefully I can help!!

I'm so pumped and excited to do this! And I better stick to it. Being the slacker I am… I can see myself getting lazy and saying "meh!" But there's another part of me that is going to keep myself going!

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