Anywho... I'm going to try to post here more often. I just keep forgetting about this place.
Life is so crazy right now. I began working full-time within the industry I went to school for (Graphic Design). It took me a good year to find something, but I knew I'd get a job when the time was right. I'm getting comfortable at my job, thank God. The first few weeks were brutal, but nonetheless, I feel at peace now. I have my bad days (more often than I'd like them to occur) but overall, I feel I've grown up and I'm so independent now. A lot has changed in my life throughout the past year or so... I feel I'm a totally different person. It's not a bad thing.
So this is just a quick update. I have to get to sleep now. My head is pounding (I've been getting MIGRAINES SO often now!) I hope when I wake up tomorrow morning, I don't see a spec of snow! We got hit with the first "snow storm" today! My drive into work was slow, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be!
Okay, goodnight. I'll leave you with this link that I know all my fellow graphic designers (especially those who freelance or who have freelanced before) will definitely enjoy!!!
Next post will be beauty related, promise!